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Behind the Mask of 'Okay'
I’m one of those kids who saw the peer stories opportunity and thought I would never do it.
And, well, here we are.
The facts: I have anxiety,
Yeah, that’s it. I don’t face any dramatic, heart-stopping challenges that would make America’s Got Talent. The stories that will surely be submitted alongside this one. I don’t receive therapy or medication, and I don’t need either.
It’s okay not to be okay, but I am okay.
Honestly, that’s where I think a few stigmas around mental health come from. My problems aren’t big enough to warrant serious help and they are not enough to be acknowledged. I don’t deserve to call a help line or use a real mental health resource.
If I’m wrong, sorry for the misconception. But I have my fingers crossed this story resonates just a little. To those people that (hopefully) exist, hi, I love your shoes! Secondly, even the smallest problems (breaking a really nicely sharpened pencil, mistake during a group presentation) to the medium problems (homework, missing someone, upcoming school stuff) to the really big problems (cancer, bullying, addiction) and everything between, around and completely outside, you deserve acknowledgement and help even if it feels really small and dumb. Because addressing small problems helps them from spiraling into even bigger issues, and you deserve to be as happy as possible.
Now let’s see if I can ever convince myself of that.
- High Schooler
When Friendship Feels Lonely
Friendships, right? We've all seen those movies where everything seems so perfect and effortless. It's like there's this one best friend who's always there, no matter what. But let's get real, that's not how it goes down in real life, does it? We face all sorts of challenges when it comes to friendships. Sometimes it feels like we just don't fit in. Maybe we moved away from our old friends (which happened to me), or people around us have changed (also happened to me), or we're dealing with our internal conflicts. It's tough, and it can make us feel like we're the only ones going through this stuff. But guess what? You're not alone, my friend. Lots of people go through friendship troubles, even if they don't always talk about it.
Those movies and media, they've got us fooled. They make it seem like friendships are all rainbows and sunshine. We see characters laughing, sharing secrets, and being there for each other no matter what. But let's be real, those are just scripted stories meant to entertain us. Real friendships are way more complex. Do you know what's even trickier? When you feel lonely in your struggles because they're not out in the open. You look around, and it seems like everyone else is having a blast with their friends. But trust me, many people are going through their battles behind closed doors. We all wear masks sometimes, especially in places like schools or communities where people put on happy faces. But remember, what you see on the surface isn't always the whole story.
Here's the deal: friendships change. They evolve just like any other relationship. People grow, they change, their interests shift, and their priorities take different paths. It's natural for friendships to have ups and downs. So, don't beat yourself up if things aren't always smooth sailing.
- High Schooler
Homeschool to High School: A Journey of Anxiety
Something that I struggled with a lot in high school was anxiety. Being homeschooled for my entire life up until high school was difficult. It was nerve wracking when I stepped into a school environment for the first time. Something that I found to calm my anxiety was sharing how I felt with a trusted friend. Although a person may feel that it helps to keep feelings to themselves in order to be unlabeled as a whiner, it can be necessary because it is considered looking after your mental health. Expressing how you’re feeling is considered healthy. Another thing I found that calmed my anxiety was crochet. Having something to do with my hands helped my mind focus on my project instead of my mind worrying about other surroundings around me. I hope others can realize that it is so important to take care of yourself because your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and how everyone should take the time to love themselves.
- High Schooler
Tarjetas de afrontamiento
Esta herramienta se utiliza mejor para apoyar a jóvenes con depresión, autolesiones o ideas suicidas, así como a jóvenes con arrebatos de comportamiento. Imprima esto y complételo para hacer una tarjeta de afrontamiento para usted.
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